Bridge Booking Documentation
Welcome to the Bridge Booking documentation page. This guide will help VenueAgents, Performers, and AVTechs navigate the platform and make the most of its features.
For VenueAgents
VenueAgents can use the platform to manage venues, schedule events, and handle payments. Follow these steps to get started:
- Create and manage venue profiles, including availability and pricing.
- Schedule events and book Performers and AVTechs.
- Review and approve bookings from Performers and AVTechs.
- Handle payments through the integrated payment system.
For Performers
Performers can use the platform to find gigs, book venues, and get paid. Here’s how to start:
- Create a performer profile showcasing your talents and availability.
- Search for available gigs at various venues.
- Submit booking requests to VenueAgents.
- Get paid through the platform once the gig is completed and approved.
For AVTechs
AVTechs can use the platform to offer their technical services for events. Here’s how to get started:
- Create an AVTech profile detailing your services and availability.
- Browse events and offer your services for different gigs.
- Coordinate with VenueAgents and Performers for event setup and execution.
- Receive payment through the platform after the event.
General Tips
Here are some general tips for using the Bridge Booking platform effectively:
- Ensure your profile is up-to-date and accurately reflects your services and availability.
- Communicate clearly with other users to avoid misunderstandings.
- Use the built-in messaging system to coordinate event details.
- Review the terms and conditions for using the platform and adhere to them.